Saturday, May 10, 2008

A “Single Mom” of A Different Kind….

So God has been doing a lot in my heart lately. All very good things that have caused me to pause and reflect on the last couple of years of my life. Which brings me to what this entry is all about. Ok so those of you who know me are probably thinking what is Shannon writing about single momhood. Well notice that the single mom is in quotes and I did say of a different kind.
So any way as any one who remotely knows me know I am not often seen at church with out a little babe in my arms or little ones around me. Well part of what I’ve reflected on is having to have a hysterectomy the fall of 2006. Many people from work and even some from church asked aren’t you to young and aren’t you bitter or mad at God for causing this when you love kid so much and have longed to have children some day. Well in all honesty it was sad and there was a grieving process. And a few times of repenting for becoming angry at God. But I always knew that I would love to adopt even if I had my own biological kids.
With that mouthful said God has reminded me over and over the past year that He has given me children that far out number what I could have. He knew the heart He created me with for love and tenderness and joy in His little creations. So I have the privilege to help pour into so many little lives. To be another special or significant adult that helps point them to the Lord.
So my encouragement to singles out there that are getting older and not married yet. Or are younger and have health issues that may make pregnancy hard. You can have a mothers heart for the kids God has placed in your life. From nieces and nephews, to your close friends kids, to the kids you teach in children’s ministry.
Following are pictures of some of my “kids.” Just so you can get an idea how truly god has blessed me. Even now the first of my “kids” are parents now and I have the privilege to pour into and bless their kids

Here are some pics of some of my first "kids" all grown up now

This is Lena she is going to transfer to a 4 year college this fall and be moving away from home. I am so proud of her.

This is Jacque. She is the loving mother of one year old Ari and wife to Asher.

This is Cara. She is mom to two small children and wife to Dave. Cara could have been a great many of things but I am proud to see her choose to serve a family and local church.

This is Cara's little guy Matthew
This lovely little lady is Cara's eldest Meg. A performer like her mama.

This little guy is Jacque's son Ari.

This montley crew are David , Steve, and Caralyn. I've had the privelage to live with their family for almos eight years.

This is my best friends oldes Kathryn

Her oldest son Jacob

Her youngest son William

and her youngest daughter Jane

This bunch is cousins to the above.. Addy, Micah, Megan.....

along with Emily and Titus

This is Justus brother to...

....Joshua, Adin, and Callie

One of my pastor's youngest

and next youngest

and thes are my good friends who married last year who will be having their first later this year

and this is my Nan who taught me that a mother's love and heart are not always a biological bond but a spiritual one.

Well these are just a few. There are so many more. So see God has far blessed me with children to love and care for and pray for and pour into than I could ever have thought possible