Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Reflection on 2007

As many of you know 2007 was a tough year for the Andersons. Some might look at the year we had and ask how we are still standing. The answer is simple, God. Though the loss of my sweet nephew Knox, health issues, and my mother's accident breaking her neck, God was there.
God was not only there to comfort our family, but He used these very things to build our trust and dependence on Him. He has been merciful in many ways. He spared my mother's life and kept her mobile. He has kept my brother and his family in tact.
And now there are great reason's to rejoice. Jon and Rachel have moved into a new home and await the birth of their sixth child. My mother is recovering well and can now sleep with out her neck brace. As for me My health is improving and my out look is brighter than ever. I am more in love with my Saviour than ever.
So to those who have prayed for us now rejoice with us in God's goodness. Those who have doubted His goodness see what He has done and believe. May you all grow closer to our Lord in 2008.


Beth said...

I am grateful for your dependence on God, Shannon.

Jody said...

Yes, He has and is continuing to grow you! He is indeed faithful in all things!