Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ok Life Can Get Crazy Fast...

...Ok ok ok. I know I said I was going to be better about posting but life got crazy in a hurry. Since my last post I have had a diagnosis made of bi-polar. So been dealing with that and adjusting to new medications. Speaking of medications I had some complications from the medication and fell asleep at the wheel. By God's grace I walked away with just some bruises and a concussion. My car on the other hand did not. So now I am dealing with relying on the bus as my sole transportation and looking for a part time job to get the money to fix my car. Though it is hard at times I can see the Father's hand through it all and am grateful that I did not sustain greater injury. But also for all that He is teaching me about trusting Him and discipline and the many skills I need to have come together as He is pointing me to greater maturity not only spiritually but in all areas of life.

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