Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Poem/Song or Something Like That

Run to the Father

Verse 1

You keep thinken about it
thinken about it
It's all you think about
People sayen it's a tantrum
just a big pout
But I have no doubt
you're just worken it out


So run to the Father
run to the Father
He stands with wide open arms
10,000 charms
To heal all the harm
heal all the harm


Verse 2

We've all had a little drama in life
causing us some strife
But some have gone through tragedy
right under the law and majesty
So horrible we don't speak about em
no one wants to read about em


Verse 3

Jesus was there no lien
He was there sighen and cryen
All those nights and days
you felt inside you were dien
So run to Jesus' side
He offers a safe place to hide

Chorus 2X


You'll be safe in His arms

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