Friday, August 15, 2008

A Psalm

A Psalm of Repentance and Hope
1 O God my God
how wicked my deedshave been before You
2 I have laughed in Your face
and mocked Your goodness
3 I lay myself low before You
casting all hope on You
4 I beg of Your mercy
which I have heard of
from the previous generations
5 O Lord Your kindness
is know great and far
6 Your child comes to you now
forgive my transgressions
against You and Your law
7 I will trust in Your mercy and goodness
once more I will cherish Your ways
8 Help me flee evil
and to cling to good
9 To be overwhelmed by Your love
and find delight in Your ways
10 For peace is found in Your presence
and joy in following Your ways


Rebekah said...

Which Psalm? By whom? I'm curious, so don't leave me hanging. Talk to you soon.

Rebekah said...

It's a lovely psalm. Heartfelt and true. Nice work Shannon.