Tuesday, December 2, 2008


....everyone that I have not kept up with my blog post. Life has not only been busy but I have yet to get access on my computer to do new creations. But never fear I plan to soon. And then I will do a end of the year New Years wrap up and blog. Just so every one knows life is going well at the moment. Trusting in the Lord as I look for a new job. Kowing that He will provide for my needs. Hope every one had a good Thanksgiving and will have a wonderful Christmas.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The End of Summer...

...is a sad and joyouse time all in one. I will miss the wram days of long sunshine and stories of everyones trips to see family, friends, and visits to exciting places. But I love the begining of fall. The changing colors. The harvest of fresh fall foods. The smell of pies and breads being baked. Taking cool early evening walks. I miss fall back east. Walking the woods of my Nan's farm. Coming in to hot tea or hor cider. And especially when there were tea cookies but most often fresh fruit. Some of my fondest memories are fall and winter days spent with my Nan and her family on the farm. So though summer has some good things going for it I will always be a lover of fall and winter.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Psalm

A Psalm of Repentance and Hope
1 O God my God
how wicked my deedshave been before You
2 I have laughed in Your face
and mocked Your goodness
3 I lay myself low before You
casting all hope on You
4 I beg of Your mercy
which I have heard of
from the previous generations
5 O Lord Your kindness
is know great and far
6 Your child comes to you now
forgive my transgressions
against You and Your law
7 I will trust in Your mercy and goodness
once more I will cherish Your ways
8 Help me flee evil
and to cling to good
9 To be overwhelmed by Your love
and find delight in Your ways
10 For peace is found in Your presence
and joy in following Your ways

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Poem/Song or Something Like That

Run to the Father

Verse 1

You keep thinken about it
thinken about it
It's all you think about
People sayen it's a tantrum
just a big pout
But I have no doubt
you're just worken it out


So run to the Father
run to the Father
He stands with wide open arms
10,000 charms
To heal all the harm
heal all the harm


Verse 2

We've all had a little drama in life
causing us some strife
But some have gone through tragedy
right under the law and majesty
So horrible we don't speak about em
no one wants to read about em


Verse 3

Jesus was there no lien
He was there sighen and cryen
All those nights and days
you felt inside you were dien
So run to Jesus' side
He offers a safe place to hide

Chorus 2X


You'll be safe in His arms

Sunday, August 3, 2008


When I think about how often I have been told God's grace is sufficient. That He does not give grace before it is needed. That we can not store it in some grace bank. Well as I go through this current season I am really getting that. His grace comes to me just when it is needed. Just like a package that is scheduled for deliveray on a certain date during a certain time frame. It will not come any earlier. But unlike delivries here on earth in will never be late or lost. His grace will come when it is needed.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Man of Sorrows...

...or woman of sorrows. I am starting into a season I have been putting off for many years. One I know will have many sorrows and much loss to grieve. But as I enter this season I am trying to choose to see it as designed by God's own hand. To grow my trust and reliance on Him. To mature me in many areas of my life and walk. To take the fractures and pull them into one daughter of God. My prayer is that I will choose to walk through the sorrow and come out stronger and more trusting of my Saviour and most of all more in love with Him. I want to not be defined by the events and the sorrow they will bring but defined by how I handled dealing with them and as a child of God who trusted Him despite my circumstance and allowed Him to work His healing in me.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Grwoing Up

God is so gracious. As most of you now I have never been completely on my own. That does not mean I have not paid my own rent and bills and so on, but that I have never been in a solo living situation. SO sufficed to say that when the family I live with goes on vacations I don't handle it well. I get anxious and worried and make the wrong choices because of my emotions. I am often led by those pesky things. But buy God's grace He has grown my trust and skills that when the family went away this weekend, in spite of the anxiety and emotions I made good productive choices. I let the truth not my emotions lead me. Praise God for His goodness.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Introducing Simeon Creed Anderson

Ok first off again for not keeping up with my blogging. Still working out some kinks with my computer. Now with that said I would like to introduce my new nephew. He was born the end of May to my brother Jon and his wife Rachel. They named him Simeon Creed, but we are going to call him creed. He very adorable and a blessing from God. The pregnancy really has helped my sister-in-law through the grieving process of loosing my nephew Knox last year. So now for what you have all been waiting for pictures:

Simeon Creed Anderson

So cute (they are going to call him Creed)

Creed snuggling with mommy

The girls: Anne Michal, Emma, & Lizzy

The Whole Family: Jon, Emma, Rachel, Creed, Lizzy, Jack, & Anne Michal

That is one beautiful family. Not just on the out side but also on the inside. How they have allowed God to carry them through a hard season. And trust Him enough to enjoy this new one.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ok Life Can Get Crazy Fast...

...Ok ok ok. I know I said I was going to be better about posting but life got crazy in a hurry. Since my last post I have had a diagnosis made of bi-polar. So been dealing with that and adjusting to new medications. Speaking of medications I had some complications from the medication and fell asleep at the wheel. By God's grace I walked away with just some bruises and a concussion. My car on the other hand did not. So now I am dealing with relying on the bus as my sole transportation and looking for a part time job to get the money to fix my car. Though it is hard at times I can see the Father's hand through it all and am grateful that I did not sustain greater injury. But also for all that He is teaching me about trusting Him and discipline and the many skills I need to have come together as He is pointing me to greater maturity not only spiritually but in all areas of life.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A “Single Mom” of A Different Kind….

So God has been doing a lot in my heart lately. All very good things that have caused me to pause and reflect on the last couple of years of my life. Which brings me to what this entry is all about. Ok so those of you who know me are probably thinking what is Shannon writing about single momhood. Well notice that the single mom is in quotes and I did say of a different kind.
So any way as any one who remotely knows me know I am not often seen at church with out a little babe in my arms or little ones around me. Well part of what I’ve reflected on is having to have a hysterectomy the fall of 2006. Many people from work and even some from church asked aren’t you to young and aren’t you bitter or mad at God for causing this when you love kid so much and have longed to have children some day. Well in all honesty it was sad and there was a grieving process. And a few times of repenting for becoming angry at God. But I always knew that I would love to adopt even if I had my own biological kids.
With that mouthful said God has reminded me over and over the past year that He has given me children that far out number what I could have. He knew the heart He created me with for love and tenderness and joy in His little creations. So I have the privilege to help pour into so many little lives. To be another special or significant adult that helps point them to the Lord.
So my encouragement to singles out there that are getting older and not married yet. Or are younger and have health issues that may make pregnancy hard. You can have a mothers heart for the kids God has placed in your life. From nieces and nephews, to your close friends kids, to the kids you teach in children’s ministry.
Following are pictures of some of my “kids.” Just so you can get an idea how truly god has blessed me. Even now the first of my “kids” are parents now and I have the privilege to pour into and bless their kids

Here are some pics of some of my first "kids" all grown up now

This is Lena she is going to transfer to a 4 year college this fall and be moving away from home. I am so proud of her.

This is Jacque. She is the loving mother of one year old Ari and wife to Asher.

This is Cara. She is mom to two small children and wife to Dave. Cara could have been a great many of things but I am proud to see her choose to serve a family and local church.

This is Cara's little guy Matthew
This lovely little lady is Cara's eldest Meg. A performer like her mama.

This little guy is Jacque's son Ari.

This montley crew are David , Steve, and Caralyn. I've had the privelage to live with their family for almos eight years.

This is my best friends oldes Kathryn

Her oldest son Jacob

Her youngest son William

and her youngest daughter Jane

This bunch is cousins to the above.. Addy, Micah, Megan.....

along with Emily and Titus

This is Justus brother to...

....Joshua, Adin, and Callie

One of my pastor's youngest

and next youngest

and thes are my good friends who married last year who will be having their first later this year

and this is my Nan who taught me that a mother's love and heart are not always a biological bond but a spiritual one.

Well these are just a few. There are so many more. So see God has far blessed me with children to love and care for and pray for and pour into than I could ever have thought possible

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Be Carfule What You Pray for....

.... so the saying goes. Well I've prayed and many who car about me have prayed for an increase of trust in God. For me to grow in my passion and abandon for the Saviour. And boy o boy is God answering that pray. But of course as often as not it is not quite the way I would have expected it. It is not being forms through some flower mountain top experience but in trenches of the fallen world admits others sins and more pointedly amids the consequences for my own sins. So as you think of me over the nexts weeks and months pray that I will stay open to the process and allow God to do the great work in me He has been waiting so long to do.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

My Secret Star Wars Life

Okay so many may not be aware that I am a huge Star Wars Fan. I also like to build things particularly with Legos. So when I decidied I needed a new hobby I started building the Star Wars Lego kits and just leaving them up as models.Here are some pictures of what I've done so far. My dream is to get to the point to have enough saved up to buy and build the Milenium Falcon. Also sorry there the updates have be few. The past month and a half have been crazy. Promise they will become more regular.

This one above by far has been the most chalenging and rewarding.
It me three sittings of about 2 hours each to complete.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Over Some Mountains and Through Some Tunnels....

....to the Zeerip's house I went. For those of you who don't know Bo and Rebeakh are some of my dearest friends in the world. They along with their kids and some of Rebekah's family have become by God's grace my Colorado family. Well they moved about a year ago west over the mountains to Grand Junction. Last weekend I got to go visit them for a few days.
Though there were some things God was working on in my own heart during this trip I was blessed and will remeber my trip with fondness. I got some time alone with Rebekah and we celebrated her youngest daughter's birthday. I got to know their newest member born this past October a little better also. Here are some pictures from the trip.

William with his special build a bear I made for him

(I made a set for his parents when they got

married and have give the kids each one when they were born

Kathrine helping to makle my bed.

Jane opening a gift.

Jacob boy

Lady Jane, me, and Billy boy.

Jane licking the spoon from helping make her birthday cake.

Jane blowing out her candels.

So thus was my wonderful adventure with my Colorodo clan the Zeerips. I look forward to their visit in May when I get to spend a whole day with the older kids. I'm thinking a trip to the zoo may just be a great next adventure.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Get to Know Me a Little Better

1. Were you named after anyone? Yes and no my first name is for Shannon Ireland my middle name is one of my aunt's middle name Lynne.

2. When was the last time you criedlaughed? Last night while watching The Princess Bride

3. Do you like your handwriting? No it has always been messy because I have weak wrist muscles If handwriting determened vocation I would be a doctor

.4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Don't realy eat processed lunch meat but love good turkey breast.

5. If you were another person would you be friends with you? Myself now yes myself as a teenager and in my twenties probably not

6. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Unfourtunately more than I should

7. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.

8. Would you bungee jump? Noooooooooooooo.

9. What is your favorite cereal? Any sugery cereal as it is now a treat not an every day breakfast.

10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nope

11. Do you think you are strong? Not realy others might say since I am a persiverer am strong in spirit

12. What is your favorite ice cream? My Cold Stone Creation chocolate ice cream with brownie chunkcs, cookie dougn , and hot fudge..

13. What is the first thing you notice about people? Depends on were I meet them. Usualy there style of clothing choice

14. Red or pink? Pink most definately.

15. What is the thing that you like least about yourself? Besides my besetting sin hmmmmmmmmm probably my wieght but am working on that

16. Who do you miss the most? That is hard as I don't live near any family or were I grew up. family wise probably my nieces and nephews. Friend wise my Nan and her family. I miss are times together. I hate missing seeing my niece and nephews and her grandkids growing up

17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Blue work pants and black work shoes as I am on break at work

18. Have you ever re-gifted?no never

19. What are you listening to right now? Martina McBride

20. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Pink it is so light and just speaks feminity

21. Favorite smells? Clean laundrey, vanilla, and fresh autem days.

22. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My best friends dad.

23. Favorite sports to watch? Almost any sport live. Golf

24. Favorite food? So many choices but anything baked which is sad since I really can't eat that stuff any more

25. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings all the way. Scary anything and I won't sleep for days

26. Last movie you watched? The Princes Bride on DVD with friends

27. What color shirt are you wearing? White

28. Summer or winter? Summer I love to be out side

29. Hugs or kisses?Kisses from babies a little ones. Hugs from freinds

30. Favorite dessert? anything baked

31. What book are you reading now?Two Ted Dekker books, a Star Wars Book in series, and a study on Ruth and Esther

32. What is on your mousepad? My finger as I have a laptop

33. What did you watch on TV last night? Nothing watched a DVD with friends

34.. Favorite sound? My Nan's voice on the other end of the phone

35. Rolling stones or Beatles? Beatles over Stones any second of the day

36. What is the furthest you have been from home? Mexico, for a my mission trip with YWAM

37. Do you have a special talent? Not really. Peopel would say I have a heart and gifting for workiing with kids

38. Where were you born? Leesburg, VA once a quaint little old town. Sadly not so much any more

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentine's and Singleness

Ok so this post is a few days late, but I've been sick the past few days. So any way I was listening to a local Christian station on Feb. 13th and they said it was Singles Awareness day. This upset me a bit. Like singles aren't aware of are singleness everyday. There is no married awareness day or widowed awarenss day. Now Singles appreciateion Day. I could go for that.

Actually I think what ever season we are in should be appreciated every day. Often times we as single don't appreciate this season while we are in it. We are in a very special an unique season in our walks with Christ during our single years. We are more free to serve in ways that married couples can't. Because rightly so they have a ministry first to their spouses and children. As singles times of fellowship can happen more often and on such spontaniouse timing.

Now as far as Valentine's Day. Though romantic love is focused on on this day. it is a day to express love for those in our lives. Kids make cards for their parent's, parents give candy hearts to their kids. Why not as singles don't we give little notes and treats of encouragements to those God has placed in our inner circles of life. Our other single girlfriends would love a card and a small box of chocolates or a rose on this day as much as the married, courting, or engaged lady would.

So when next Valentitne's Day comes why not think which of your single girlfriends you could bless with a Valentine.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Photos Photsos Photos

I'm sur some of you would lke to see an updated picture of me and maybe some pictures of my friends to put faces with names so here they are....

Me and some of my good friends L-R Amy, Courtney, Jen, Chasta, and me

Me with jen and Jonesy at their wedding, I was a bridesmaid.

Tim and Mary Ellen Gilmore. Our new assitant pastor and his wife.

The Kolberg kids..David, Steve, and Caralyn. I've lived with their family for 7 years.

Me with Lindsey and her son Titus (in white) and my best friend Rebekah and her son William.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Looking Ahead to 2008

Hey friends. Ihave been enjoying a personal retreat with God the past two days. He has showed me much and given me an out look for 2008. First off some goals: to loose the rest of the waight I need to and get in shape and to be financialy ready to move out on my own. The lord showed me that this year in my quiet itmes and study shall focus on two things; relationships and biblical examples of biblical womanhood. I am lloking forward to all that the Saviour will do in my life and the lives of those I am bless to share this life with. May everyone look forward and not back awith great excitement of what our great God will do this year.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Reflection on 2007

As many of you know 2007 was a tough year for the Andersons. Some might look at the year we had and ask how we are still standing. The answer is simple, God. Though the loss of my sweet nephew Knox, health issues, and my mother's accident breaking her neck, God was there.
God was not only there to comfort our family, but He used these very things to build our trust and dependence on Him. He has been merciful in many ways. He spared my mother's life and kept her mobile. He has kept my brother and his family in tact.
And now there are great reason's to rejoice. Jon and Rachel have moved into a new home and await the birth of their sixth child. My mother is recovering well and can now sleep with out her neck brace. As for me My health is improving and my out look is brighter than ever. I am more in love with my Saviour than ever.
So to those who have prayed for us now rejoice with us in God's goodness. Those who have doubted His goodness see what He has done and believe. May you all grow closer to our Lord in 2008.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all my friends and families. I have decided to join the blogging band wagon. This is a way for all those who are dear to me yet far away can keep up with what is going on in my life and what God is doing in my life. May you see Him greater this year.